Monday, December 30, 2019

Humanistic Perspective and Addiction Essay - 1420 Words

Tia Gardner September 21, 2012 Humanistic Perspective and Addiction There are several theories of addiction. All of them are imperfect. All are partial explanations. It is for this reason that it is important to be aware of and question addiction theories. One contemporary psychoanalytical view of substance abuse is that it is a defense against anxiety (Thombs D 2006). Addicts often abuse alcohol and other substances to guard against anxiety and other painful feelings like shame, guilt, loneliness and depression. Psychological problems including substance abuse disorders are viewed as a result of inhibited ability to make authentic, meaningful, and self directed choices about how to live. The†¦show more content†¦Is there some genetic difference that perhaps allows some to realize when an elevated blood alcohol level has been reached and transmits a message to the brain to stop drinking that others do not have? These questions have not been clearly answered and are under persistent investigation. Among the numerous definitions for addiction, there lies yet another to define it from a biochemical perspective. Milkman (1983) defines it as â€Å"self-induced changes in neurotransmission that result in social problem behaviors. This definition encompasses the psychological, biochemical and social aspects of addictive processes. It is not limited to substance abuse and can be applied to any activity characterized by compulsion, loss of control and continuation of the substance despite harm. This has helped investigators gain a better understanding of the nature of addiction. It has been shown that individuals turn to drugs that elicit a mood or level of arousal consistent with their mode of dealing with stress. Those who deal with stress by confrontation choose drug stimulants. Those who withdrawal from stress chooses opiate drugs. Others who deal with stress through activities related to imagery or fantasy turn to hallucinogens. These differences between behavior and drug preference are thought to be biochemically driven. Although I primarily favor a synthesisShow MoreRelatedEssay on Psychological Perspectives M21316 Words   |  6 PagesPSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES M2 I am going to look at how the humanistic and the biological approaches are used in health and social care practices and how they are applied to service provision, comparing the similarities and differences for each approach. The biological approach is being used in health care a lot more now we are more aware and knowledgeable on the brain and the nervous system. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Low Levels Of Academic Achievement - 955 Words

lower levels of academic achievement and it is also known that Latino adolescents experience great levels of depression symptoms constantly†( ). According to the National Center for Education Statistics (2007), nearly 63% of Latino Adolescents in the United States achieve a high school degree, as opposed to 87% of African American Adolescents. Latino youth similarity report experiencing elevated levels of depression symptoms than the children from other groups. Research shows that academic achievement and depression are negatively associated to each other, however there is lack of evidence that results in an inconclusive understanding of this relationship. This negative relationship is seen for a variety of academic measures, which include the standardized achievement test, grades, and teachers ratings, yet the direction of causality in this relationship is still unknown AND Modern research, today in this association is lacking. Previous studies have found groundwork to the presented issue. In a meta-analysis of Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI), Twenge and Nolene-Hoelcsema (2002) found that Latino children and adolescents endorsed considerably higher depressive symptoms, obtaining higher scores on the CDI than children from other ethnic groups. A study by Roberts and Sohaban (1992) found that Mexican-American adolescents had an increased risk for depression when compared with European and African American adolescents. In addition, a study by Alva and de los ReyesShow MoreRelatedEffects of Socioeconomic Status and Ethnicity on a Child1542 Words   |  7 Pagesbrain development (Nelson, 1999). Socioeconomic status limits how much a family could provide to aid a child’s development. Middle-class families can better prepare their children with opportunities for success than families with low household income. Families with low household income will be reluctant to spend money on daycare becau se they have other priorities. Credentialed daycare providers increase children’s cognitive and critical thinking skills (Barnett Belfield, 2006). The long-term effectsRead MoreOverall Average Of Grades 6-8 Students Aspire Math Content Standards By Poverty Level983 Words   |  4 Pagesby Poverty Level Math Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Non-Poverty 25.17 35.73 29.09 10.58 Poverty 27.07 35.94 27.79 8.22 The data charts above indicate that students identified as living in poverty display a pattern of lower achievement scores at Brindlee Mountain Middle when compared to classmates not considered as living in poverty. 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This gap is manifested in measures such as test scores, grades, college completion and dropout rates, and selection of courses. Within the U.S. context, the achievement gap has often been used t o refer to the worrying performance disparities between Latinos and African-Americans on one hand and their non-Hispanic white counterparts on the other. The gap also describes academic differences betweenRead MoreChildren With Intellectual Disabilities Should Be Educated1114 Words   |  5 Pages(Swiss Conference of Cantonal Minsters of Education, 2007). The purpose of the study conducted was to investigate whether children of low, average, or high achieving students are affected in general education classrooms when one student with an intellectual disability is included with support. Findings support the idea that the academic achievement of children of low, average, or high ability are not affected when a student with an intellectual disability is present. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

A Dose of Fear Free Essays

Once on a dark, stormy autumn’s evening, the grey fog hung so thick and heavy over the country lane that it blocked the view of the landscape. The gloomy, cumulonimbus clouds filled the thick, filthy air that smelt of dirty sewage water, as if there had been flames of fire that had let off a lot of smoke. You could hardly see a thing unless you had perfect vision. We will write a custom essay sample on A Dose of Fear or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the evening nearby an inconspicuously, deserted mansion that was about fifty metres away from the narrow, odd, tarmac road in the countryside, branches creaked and birds squeaked in their nests. It seemed to him like many days since he had begun to prepare his mind for â€Å"the camp† as he always called it. Seth Winston was a fifteen-year-old adventurous teenager who was so alive, vital and positive about everything. He also had a personality that one could not ignore. He had dark, brown eyes, short black hair and olive skin. His mother had died when he was born so he had never known or missed her. However, his young and handsome father seemed to be the only relation he had in the world apart from Ruth and Peter his caring and loving best friends. Ruth Mathews was sixteen years old, had blue eyes and ginger hair. There was more connection between her and Seth. On the other hand, Peter St John was an eighteen year old; who only had one thing in common with Seth and that was camping. That Saturday afternoon at half past two, Seth, Ruth and Peter set off to go camping in the countryside. This would have been their first camp ever without Seth’s father because Peter was old enough to drive and owned a driving licence. â€Å"This is going to be the best camp ever,† said Seth in an excited voice as Peter started to drive. Three hours later nearly two hundred miles away from town, the weather began to change from slightly warm and sunny to heavy rainfall. As darkness drew closer, the rain got worse every minute and the country lane became too slippery to drive the car. â€Å"I think you need to stop at the side of the road until the weather gets better Peter,† said Ruth in a tentative voice. â€Å"Don’t be silly, we’ve only got a few more miles to go until we reach the camping site,† said Peter in a voice that was struggling to hide the fear inside him. â€Å"Guys I think I see something,† Seth said loudly wishing it was a place to escape the unexpected heavy rain. â€Å"What is it?† Ruth and Peter both spoke at the same time desperate to find out what it was. â€Å"It looks like a house. A mansion.† Seth answered in an uncertain tone. â€Å"Let’s go and check it out,† Ruth suggested positively as if she knew exactly what it was. Peter made a left turn and slowly drove down in the open space towards the secluded, big mansion. When they reached the faded, rusty gate, they stepped out of the car and put their coats on. It was open so it made it easier for them to get to the mansion. In approaching the mansion, there was a chill in the air as they hurriedly walked to the door. Ruth knocked on one of the huge oak doors although they were slightly open. She knocked five times and waited but there was no response. â€Å"Hello, is anybody here?† Ruth shouted as she echoed repeatedly and as water dripped from her round face. â€Å"Did you hear that? Someone just repeated what Ruth just said,† Seth said sarcastically. â€Å"Are you stupid? That was her echo, you fool,† Peter said in a rather unimpressed high pitch voice. Helplessly desperate for shelter, they decided to step inside. The view captured their eyes. Joined cobwebs smeared the walls and an unidentified smell of rot filled their nostrils. The dusty, mouldy ceilings dripped with water. Peter seemed to be more fascinated by the unusual scene than the other two, so without them noticing, he decided to take a tour around. The door creaked behind Peter as he escaped into the next room. With their heads held up high, Seth and Ruth looked to see where the sudden noise had come from. Just as they turned round, they were horrified by a dead bat, which had fallen two metres above their heads from the spider web that hung under the ceiling. They heard a loud scream coming from the next room on their left that sounded as if someone was being tortured. They fled into that treacherous room as fast as they could. On its walls were skulls portrayed in a devilish appearance splashed with rotten blood. When they looked down, they saw a half naked body viciously assaulted dripping with blood on the black tiled floor. The floor was littered with bones and headless skeletons that were gathered through the courts of time. Satanic crosses were marked all over the ceiling and the atmosphere was heinous. Seth and Ruth could not believe the monstrous view in front of their eyes. Horrendous injuries covered the body and the eyes had popped right out of the skull. They were wide open, stony with the glassiness of death. Only one nostril was left of the nose and was dripping with mucus and blood. The lips were deformed. With a grimace of his face, Seth wondered what kind of a vicious, menacing sinister who would do such a terrible act. The slimy small and large intestines were noticeable and cut open that they dared not to look at the brutal stomach, which looked as if it had had an abdominal surgery. â€Å"I’m so sorry Peter,† said Ruth in a petrified voice trying her hardest not to burst out in tears. â€Å"Who could do such damage to an innocent soul?† Seth questioned silently as tear drops fell from his eyes. Seth noticed a sombre shadow with an axe in its hand on the wall at his right hand side. At first, he did not say anything because he was not sure where it was coming from. â€Å"Ruth look out!† shouted Seth. â€Å"Where?† Ruth shouted back. â€Å"Behind you!† Seth answered in a despairing voice. Ruth looked behind her, widened her blue eyes in terrified horror while her jaw nearly dropped on the ground and screamed, â€Å"No!† At this moment, Seth had nothing else to say or do but save himself. He ran out of the room as fast as he could and raced to the other side of the mansion as if chased by hideous demons. This end had autumn leaves on the floor that two open triangular windows had let in. He fled into the nearest room that he believed was safe as he had the intension to hide. Although it was not as bad as the previous one, this room was damp and infested but with a gnaw feeling, Seth did not take any notice. There was a rustling noise; it grew louder and more persistent. When it started, Seth had thought that leaves were blowing in the sweeping wind but now it was far too loud for that. It sounded like someone stomping through crisp packets. The rustling turned to crunching, as if some huge animal was munching on a giant creamcraker. Seth shivered. He pulled his coat tightly around him because he was cold. He clenched his fists in his pockets. He stared at the floor in front of him and occasionally glanced nervously at the door handle. â€Å"You must keep calm,† Seth repeatedly said to his self as he breathed heavily as if he was starving from oxygen. Seth desperately looked at the impenetrable window wishing he were small enough to fit through so he could escape the haunting poltergeist. In the darkness of the fading light, the poltergeist’s face had the pallor and sheen not so much of flesh so much of bone itself. Seth stared at it until his eyes ached in their sockets in surprise and bewilderment at its presence. With the combination of the peculiar, isolated room, the appearance of the poltergeist and the dreadfulness of its expression began to fill Seth with anxiety. Indeed Seth, never in his life was so threatened by anything like that. He had never known his heart to give such a great lurch, as if it would almost leap out into his shivering, dry mouth and then begin pounding in his chest like a hammer hitting an anvil. Seth never thought that a dose of fear would make his knees tremble and his flesh creep. He never imagined himself daunted and held fast by such dread, horror and apprehension of evil. His worst nightmares had resurrected. How to cite A Dose of Fear, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

My brother and I are story, how we became bad to good relationship free essay sample

When I was in kindergarten, my brother and I were so friendly. One day, my brother hit me. I did not know why he beat me. I cried and punched him back. So I started to hate him. When I was in grade six, my brother and I always had arguments. One day, my brother came to my room for playing TV game. I did not understand why he came to my room because he had own TV in his room. Because of a small power cord problem, we had a big fight. My mother was disappointed and said, â€Å"You guys are stupid† After it happened I could not even see his eyes. Sometimes I was able see his eyes, but not talk. Then we might make up one another for some time. Soon after that, I started to live in Bangkok when I was in grade eight. However, my brother continued live in Japan. We will write a custom essay sample on My brother and I are story, how we became bad to good relationship or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Now we cannot meet very each other often as I live in Bangkok and he lives in Japan. We know how to meet once a year or every two years. Therefore, we have to talk by phone. First, I usually ask some questions about my homework when I call him. But gradually we are able to talk about our personal things after a while. For example, our recollection stories, lip talks and so on. I am capable of doing this because to accept my brother and we live apart each other. I thought the long distance can shorten our mind gaps of unimportant things. Recently, we met each other in this pass summer. One day, my brother and I went to watch a movie at night. We talked about love stories first time and normally on the way to theater. We arrived at theater, my brother bought tickets, popcorn and coke for me. I felt happy like it had always been so. After watching the movie, I felt so happy and I fascinate asked, â€Å"Hey! How many girlfriends did you get?† My brother asked me with shy, â€Å"I don’t know! I can’t count about it!† I said, â€Å"Just kidding! Ok, I will change the question!! What is shocking comment from your girlfriends?† my brother told me so easy, â€Å"Your feeling is too deep for me!!!!† I agree. We talked about story of it, my brother’s love stories again and story in the future on the way to home. When we arrived at home, my mother, father and grandmother greeted, â€Å"Okaeri (Welcome home).† We replied, â€Å"We are home, the movie is good!!† The next day, my brother helped my homework. After finishing it, we went to a Shopping Mall. He chose my clothes for me. My brother treated me normally, so I realized that my brother is a good person. The whole reason for my dislike of my brother disappeared with time and distance. We had a big fight over a stupid electric cord and for that we lost our friendship time in our home together. Then we were separated from each other. Now I know that the chance with my brother is important and we must treasure like that.