Monday, June 22, 2020

Sample Essay on Moral and Ethical Valueson Law Enforcement Officials in Dru Community

Sample Essay on Moral and Ethical Valueson Law Enforcement Officials in Dru CommunityA sample essay on moral and ethical valueson law enforcement officials in our community has to deal with situations like the callous murder of a man who just lost his wife. Law enforcement officials are criticized for not doing anything to prevent the incident. These officers are criticized for not being kind and gentler towards the grieving family members, for not doing more to protect them.Another example is the case of Officer Hector Caltabiano who killed a young boy in cold blood, when the neighborhood's administrator was trying to talk the officer out of the shooting. His son suffered death from injury, but because of his failure to control his temper, he was killed instead.The family members ask why the officer was not restrained, even if he was not under arrest, as there was no need for him to be handcuffed, especially in this situation. They ask why he killed a young boy? They accuse the offi cer of being inhuman and of an ungentlemanly manner.If you are a student who wants to write a sample essay on moral and ethical valueson law enforcement officials in our community, you need to make sure that you have taken a firm stand against the very wrong actions that they criticize. Even if you cannot understand their point of view, you should endeavor to make sure that you do not make the same mistake.The very first thing that you should remember is that it is your duty to control yourself and to face any encounter violent confrontation without any fear or hesitation. It is also your duty to be fair in handling a situation which can be confusing or controversial. You should be willing to make compromises in order to attain the desired results.There is a lot of information available about law enforcement officials in our community. You can seek help from your college library or any other academic resource to research about this topic. Reading about these officials may help you i n becoming a better moral and ethical person.After you have read about moral and ethical valueson law enforcement officials in our community, you can put them into practice. Just remember that the basic rule is that you should be kind, gentle and fair to everyone should be treated with respect and kindness.A sample essay on moral and ethical valueson law enforcement officials in dru community will be a great help to students in realizing what it is to be an ethical and moral person. Make sure that you think about your mistakes before you do things which may be considered wrong.

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